Thursday, June 5, 2014


so I don't think I would get very far in this blog before I would mention my three best friends. I have been friends with these girls, well I don't remember how long.... Our mom's were friends before I was even born, so we were sort of guaranteed friends.

So to start oldest to youngest we will start with Gemma (I personally like to tease and her call her Gemima which she doesn't appreciate)

That is Jake she is holding who is a very sweet dog. The thing about Gemma is that she is a kind of weird funny. She doesn't try to be funny, she just says stuff that cracks us all up. she is super sweet, has a beautiful voice and all around is a blast. Plus she is really easy tease. And she has a drivers license that really helps get us girls around to do stuff.

So this is Cecilia (who I normally call Cil.) Who is holding Chief their cute black lab puppy. Cil is crazy tall, when we were younger we always wanted to be taller than everyone else, well Cil beat us all. and it's still a hard spot for Gemma. :P Cil is has an awesome laugh. It's so loud I can't help but laugh when she does. She also loves to taking pictures (most of the ones on this post she took) so most pictures of us together Cil is taking them. She has a huge black monster of a camera, that I would have absolutely no idea how to use. And she was so sweet and cornrowed my hair for my trip (more on that in the next post)

Last but not least is Gianna. In this picture with their pony Rose. Gianna is so funny. She just makes me laugh, she says things that are so true, and so funny. She has beautiful hair, and normally wins our tanning competition because of her darker complexion. She loves 1D and really gets into the fan girling over them. (which I do in secret when my mom isn't watching. Hehe)

Just so you know we were dressing up here for fun, I don't normally wear a black sequin dress.... just saying.

The girls were over last night to say goodbye (more on that later) and I realized just how close we had become in the last year. We went through a couple of months where we didn't really hang out. Than we started going to movies together, our friendship has grown so much in the last year, I felt like crying when we said goodbye. :(

So, thanks girls for being awesome friends! I miss you guys already!


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